Kiwanis branches out
DIVISION 25 of Kiwanis International is to add a new club, the Kiwanis Club of Whitehouse in Westmoreland, to its organisation within the next month.
According to lieutenant governor of the Division, Cedric Roach, the new club has about 25 members and is sponsored by the Kiwanis Clubs of Savanna-la-Mar and Black River.
Club members are currently undergoing orientation and training in the parish each Tuesday night.
“Our target at all times is to have new members. Membership growth is very important for the club,” Roach said, adding that he was pleased at the establishment of the new club.
The new club will bring to three the number of Kiwanis clubs in Westmoreland and will increase to 14 the number of clubs in Division 25.
Kiwanis International is known across the world as a service club that is committed to serving others.
Recent activities by Division 25 included a visit to the Maxfield Park Children’s Home where they distributed gifts.
Gift baskets were also given to babies that were adopted by the various clubs in the Division, for the first three years of their lives.