Cupid, draw back your bow
LOVE was undeniably in the air last Friday, as folks all over celebrated Valentine’s Day. Indeed, it seemed like this year, more than ever, people were cued in on Cupid — some celebrating friendships, some romance. From restaurants offering deals for the day, to brisk business being done by vendors in town squares, it was evident that romance was the reason for the season, and who could have an issue with that?
This week we continue the love bombing, and we asked people in love, How did you meet your other half?
Samuel, 37, electrician:
She was doing some addition to her house, and I was contracted to do the electrical work. All along I thought the man who was at the house guiding the workers was her husband, but he was actually her brother. She was a gentle woman, a very nice woman, who was raising two boys on her own, and doing a wonderful job, from what I observed. The work took about a week, but by the end of that period, the conversations had switched from electrical work, to my interest in her. I didn’t waste any time, because I could tell that she was gold. We’ve been married seven years.
Gerald, 49:
I did some work with her then husband, so I knew he was a big ass, just by the way he spoke about married life, and also, he was cheating openly. I sent her some anonymous messages in order to get the divorce initiated, and when he confessed that they were ending things, I smoothly moved in. I stopped working with him, and “accidentally” bumped into her at the supermarket one day, introduced myself, and the rest is history. She has been my loving partner for 15 years.
Kenrick, 30, computer technician:
She was doing her degree at the same time with my brother, and they were doing a group project together. I knew he kinda liked her, but he’s a player, plus he moved too slowly. It took some time for him to get over it, but the better man won. She’s been my wife for a year.
Mary, 31, teacher:
He moved next door with his brothers, and they were terrorising the neighbourhood with their nightly parties and loud music. I called the police, I complained to their landlord, but nothing changed. One day I got very frustrated, and I walked over there and cursed them out, and warned them that they needed to stop. He apologised, asked for a date to make it up to me, and three years and a baby later, we’re the couple no one expected would get together.
Toni, 37, nail tech:
His girlfriend bought him a gift card to do a pedi. During the service we were talking and he was offloading about their problems. He said I was a good listener. He left a huge tip, and followed up after with text messages and calls. We have been together 13 years, and have two children.
Brielle, 29, manager:
They say never let your husband prevent you from finding your husband — that’s totally me. I was married at 19, really young, and it sucked. I met my current husband in the attorney’s office after I went to do a consultation about divorce proceedings. So I got a divorce and a new husband in one go.