JFJ fires back at police commissioner
Group says concerns about fatal shootings by members of the security forces well-founded
Human rights group Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) has scoffed at claims by Police Commissioner Dr Kevin Blake that it is seeking relevance through its recent release on the increase in fatal shootings by members of the security forces.
“We do not shrink from the commissioner’s charge that Jamaicans for Justice is seeking relevance. Though the comment might have been intended otherwise, we take it as a badge of honour. We believe that issues of equity and transparency are as relevant today as they were in the past. If staying abreast of justice-related issues is deemed seeking relevance, we are guilty as charged,” the group said in a release on Thursday.
According to JFJ, it has taken note of Blake’s recent statement in which he said, while he supports the view that the number of fatal shootings by the security forces is too high, the focus should be on the criminals who make the decision to challenge members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force [JCF], which is a far more superior force.
“And so, let me encourage Jamaicans For Justice to be more responsible in their public pronouncements, especially when the nation is aware of its members’ proven ability to comprehend the most basic and fundamental principles of security,” Blake said in a release late last week.
He argued that JFJ should place its focus on the criminals who engage the members of his team in gun battles as the police are not trained to lose when they are engaged by gunmen.
The commissioner pointed out that, by policy, every incident of fatal shooting by a member of the security forces results in them being removed from front-line duty and subjected to an administrative review.
“This takes police who would normally be out to protect you, the citizens, off the streets… Yes, we agree that we need to have less fatal shootings and so I call upon JFJ to demonstrate to the public that your care is more for the well-being of our citizens and less for the relevance of your organisation. And it is hard for me to think otherwise when I know JFJ is fully abreast of the facts,” added Blake.
But in its response on Thursday JFJ said, while it acknowledges the efforts of the police to suppress the high levels of criminal activity across the country, it remains deeply concerned that the dramatic rise in fatal police shootings warrants greater scrutiny.
“JFJ is well aware that robust crime-fighting efforts are sometimes necessary in the hostile environments in which members of the security forces operate. However, JFJ is also mindful that, in a number of instances, eyewitness reports and forensic evidence have contradicted official narratives.
“Each case must be judged on its own unique facts. We reiterate that we make no assertion that these incidents are extrajudicial. However, amid the increasing numbers, several instances of discrepancies between eyewitness accounts and official reports are concerning. Body cameras will help to address some of these discrepancies,” JFJ said in its release.
The human rights group said it firmly believes that body cameras will significantly enhance transparency and accountability in Jamaica’s crime-fighting efforts as body cameras not only serve to protect the rights of citizens but will also provide evidence to exonerate cops who might be involved in controversial shootings.
“We therefore find the commissioner’s statement — that investigations would not be hindered by a lack of body cameras — troubling. Body-worn cameras are not a panacea, and their absence might not prevent investigations from taking place. However, the failure to have video footage from these fatal shootings certainly diminishes the capacity of the Independent Commission of Investigations (Indecom) to ascertain the facts. Indecom has also made its call for body-worn cameras, noting that video evidence assists in matters being resolved more quickly,” said JFJ.
It added: “If 750 body-worn cameras have been deployed, as we have been told by the JCF, is there footage available from any of these fatal encounters with the police? What is the timeline for establishing the data storage infrastructure necessary to ensure this technology serves its intended purpose? We remind the JCF that body-worn cameras help provide independent accounts of incidents, thus serving as protection for officers as well.”
The group said it is urging the police commissioner, and the wider security apparatus, to work in collaboration with civil society groups towards finding solutions that balance the imperatives of public safety with the preservation of accountability and justice for all.