Is there good and evil?
Most people consider that we can make a choice of life according to our will. It is just a matter of what pleases or what displeases us, but the Lord punishes or rewards each one of us according to His commands.
All of us are subject to His will, all of us know the 10 Commandments of God and, furthermore know the Word of God and life of God, which is finally summarised in the two great commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength and love your neighbour as yourself. All of the meaning and purpose of life are fulfilled in work and words of the gospel, which, in turn, are fulfilled in these two greatest of His Commandments.
In our time and in our generation, people believe that it is entirely arbitrary to do whatever pleases our individual self. Many choose what the flesh craves for rather than what the spirit requires. God Himself, however, became a man and knows all what is good and righteous, proper, and of great value as we live out our life here on Earth.
There is peace on Earth, interior joy, and gladness only when we have done what is right and proper according to the Lord and pleasing to our true self.
In our daily prayer to the Father and His beloved Son we will create a harmony within us as Matthew 7:7-12 tells us: “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open. For whoever asks receives, whoever seeks finds, and to him who knocks the door will be open. Will any of you give stones to your son when he asks for bread? Or give him a snake when he asks for a fish?”
In prayer, however, we must not ask for foolish things or wrong things. We should ask for our daily bread, we should not ask for what is good and pleasing, but what will bring us closer to the Lord and one another.
I am surprised at how misled people are in our times. Even mature men and women who are elderly ask for totally useless and even sinful and distracting objects. They are manipulated and led into sin without even knowing that right is right and wrong is wrong.
At our soup kitchen last Friday, three of our old ladies came to me while they were eating their lunches and said: “Father! Father! Tell me, is it right or wrong? Here in this cellphone which I show to you, two beautiful white women are kissing mouth to mouth. Dem say this is love, nothing is wrong with it? Father! Father! Tell me this is true?”
The three women broke into laughter. “Well, a so it go now, if it is good among dem big white people, it must be okay. Times change and dat is the way of the new generation.” One of the ladies replied, “Me nuh believe it is the right ting, but is what deh pon the cell all day long and dem call it love.”
In my heart I believe that God lives in us, we are all called to be a people of God and we are made to His image and likeness, all of us know universally what right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad. This is His intention that we be brothers and sisters and a people of God. We know what is a life of purity and not vulgarity, righteousness and not wickedness.
In our prayer life, when we search deep within ourselves, we seek the truth and the voice of God telling us what is morally right or wrong and this leads us to be holy people, shaped to be alike as children of God. He speaks to our consciences, calls us to control ourselves, to sacrifice ourselves, our feelings, and our desires. We must be ready to die in order to glorify Him and be true images of being sons and daughters of God.